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Nikolai Biryukov, Victor Sergeyev

Stanovlenie institutov predstavitel’noy vlasti v sovremennoy Rossii

[The Making of Representative Institutions in Contemporary Russia]

o   Moscow: Agentstvo “Izdatel’skiy servis”, 2004. – 543 p.

The publication compiles two books:

·       Demokratiya i sobornost’: Stanovlenie institutov predstavitel’noy vlasti v SSSR [Democracy and Sobornost’: The Making of Representative Institutions in the USSR]

A revised version published in English as Russia’s Road to Democracy: Parliament, Communism and Traditional Culture (Aldershot, Hampshire; Brookfiled, Vermont: Edward Elgar Publishing Co., 1993; ISBN 1-85278-851-8).

·       Sobornost’ i dualizm: Institutsionalnyy konflikt v perekhodnom obshchestve [Sobornost’ and Dualism: Institutional Conflict in a Transitional Society] (abridged)

A complete version published in English as Russian Politics in Transition: Institutional Conflict in a Nascent Democracy (Aldershot, Hampshire; Brookfield, Vermont; Singapore; Sidney: Ashgate Publishing, 1997; ISBN 1-85521-975-1).

Reissued in English as Russian Politics in Transition: Institutional Conflict in a Nascent Democracy (Abingdon, Oxfordshire; New York: Routledge, 2018 (Routledge Revivals)– 329 p.; ISBN: hbk – 978-1-138-35421-0; ebk – 978-0-429-42497-7; eBook – 9780429756603).

See selected fragments (in Russian):

·       Book 1: Demokratiya i sobornost’ [Democracy and Sobornost’]

·      Contents.

·      Chapter 2: Blesk i nishcheta Sovetskoy vlasti [The Brilliance and Poverty of Soviet Power].

·      Chapter 4: Sobor ili parlament? [A Sobor or a Parliament?]

·       Book 2: Sobornost’ i dualism [Sobornost’ and Dualism]

·      Contents

·      Chapter 1: Perekhod k sovremennomu obshchestvu i problema sotsial’noy integratsii [Transition to Modernity and the Problem of Social Integration]

·      Chapter 7: Golosovanie v rossiyskom parlamente: spektr politicheskikh sil i konflikt mezhdu ispolnitel’noy i predstavitel’noy vlast’yu [Voting in the Russian Parliament: The Spectrum of Political Forces and the Conflict between the Executive and the Legislative]

·      Appendix



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